

I'm getting one.

Iie, dou natte mo I'm getting one. The question is whether or not I'm getting this one, na.
*primal scream goes here*
FIRST OF ALL--no, I hardly know where to begin. Aggh.
Well, first of all, it's a job with animal testing. Which... aaaah. Originally I was like, "No, I shouldn't apply for this one, probably..." but then I did. Because I mean since I'm doing this so late there aren't a lot of options left, and it's quite well-paid for work study, and... I applied, when I was in the middle of sending off about five emails about work study. Of course it would be the only one I get a positive response from, so I went in for an interview (after not being able to get into the building at first) and they were like "What's your specialty?" and I'm like, "Umm well, Japanese." NA NO NI they want to hire me over other candidates.
For some ridiculous reason, the emails they send me are coming like two days late, wth. That's to my gmail account. Before, I was thinking that the forwarding system was just delayed, but that doesn't seem to always be the case; I think maybe gmail just hates...... certain addresses??? I've never heard of an email being delayed two days before. So then they tried to call me, and they called me in the middle of class, so naturally I couldn't answer and they got my Japanese voicemail. ...I probably should change that, but I like it that way.
Yesterday I gave them my hotmail account and got my school email all fixed up... except for some reason it still takes like an hour for the stupid things to arrive. Not as bad as TWO FREAKING DAYS, of course, but still rather significant. Also, I had my friend send me an email to test it, and it showed up in my pitt account last night but it has yet to hit my gmail. ...Seriously, what the heck. It's like gmail's sending emails from pitt through security or something. Security that takes a really, really long time.

Anyway, I haven't gotten anything from them on my hotmail about maybe coming in today to fill out my workstudy packet and get started with everything, so I think at twelve or something I'll call and ask if they have sent anything. If they have, then A;SDLVIJAPEIOFA most whole-heartedly and I will be scared off email for professional matters for LIFE. And if they haven't then cool, I may have the weekend to myself to NOT DEAL WITH THAT, which would be nice and I could draw a picture. Well depending on how this goes perhaps I could draw a picture this weekend anyway, though I do need to read Paradise Lost and work on my short story for FW and actually start studying Japanese properly rather than, "Yeah I know all this stuff" AND think about an essay for Lectures in Lit and... yeah no nothing in computer programming. As well as I want to finish the post-3-5 Franziska.Edgeworth I'm writing, which I mention because guess what I was doing rather than programming in computer programming yesterday...
(But if you guessed STRESSING ABOUT THIS JOB DEAL, you are also correct.)

*breathe in and SIGH*

And then there's the fact
That I'm trying to figure out if God is telling me not to take this job, through all the confusion and crap. As well as the dream I had a few nights ago... I don't remember it, but it was more stress about the job. Or, I'm just ridiculously stressed about it and am desperate for an excuse to not take it.
Ugh, it'll be nice once today is over because I'm quite certain that nothing will happen tomorrow.

Okay, so, before all that crap yesterday, just before all of that--all of the stuff happened with the second of the two people who I've been dealing with about the job. Meanwhile, because I couldn't be reached due to the aforementioned mess with gmail, the first person I'd dealt with had already offered the job to an alternate candidate. So I'm out.
It's... fairly pathetic how relieved I feel.
It's nice to know, too, that most of the fact was not my fault at all. Part of it is, because I melded my home number with my cell number in an email I sent (sasuga, WOI), but most of it is because of that strange and completely unpredictable mess with gmail. (I'm thinking now that gmail was always the problem; for some reason, it just takes days to transmit some of the pitt emails.)
And... I don't have to deal with animal testing.
So, everything's good--except now I need to get cracking looking for job options again.

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