
I want to do these, like, now.

But I have to write thank-you notes... OTL
(So I'm saying, "Hold it!" for now. I'll be back later to translate & answer them.)
Esentially, "50 questions for those who like KamiChihi." (KamiChihi being Miego.)

1, まずあなたのハンドルネームをどうぞ。
First, your username.

2, 逆転裁判はいつ頃からのファンですか?
Since when have you been an Ace Attorney fan?
>Just checked this--I started playing the first one on 4/09 this year.

3, カミチヒを知ったのはいつですか?
When did you learn of KamiChihi?
>When I first played through 3-1. 5/28.

4, では、本格的にカミチヒにはまったのは?
So, when did you first seriously get into KamiChihi?
>Ahmm... Sometime between 3-4 and 3-5? I was all hyper when Diego was flirting in 3-4, but then I looked at his profile and I was like, "...Rival? Wut? Datte datte---"

5, ゲーム中で「これはカミチヒだ!」と感じたセリフやシーンは?
What are some lines and scenes in the game that you felt were KamiChihi?
>3-2, Godot's reaction to seeing Mia. That was a big one. I keep wishing it weren't near the end of the case. And when you think about it, Godot's entire motivation is KamiChihi, so... And all of 3-1 basically. That case has the greatest replay value ever for that specific reason.
Oh! Oh! And "Is it really okay, Mr. Prosecutor?" / "Of course it is, Madame Attorney." KYAAA! I love that part. It's so sweet and aaaaaaaas;dvna;

6, 神乃木とチヒロ、どっちが好き?(%で答えて下さい)
Between Kaminogi (Armando) and Chihiro (Mia), which do you like more? (Answer with percentages, please.)
>75% Diego/Godot, 25% Mia. I blame her breast size for this, I really do.

7, 二人は恋人同士?
Was it a mutual love?
>Absolutely yes! Though Mia makes it difficult to tell sometimes. ;~; She's a lot harder to read about it than Diego is.

8, 神乃木はチヒロをどう思ってる?
What does Diego think of Mia?
>(She has potential... and she has the right heart for this. Though she could stand to be a little less excitable...)

9, チヒロは神乃木をどう思ってる?
What does Mia think of Diego?
>(For a lawyer, he's awfully... ridiculous. The amount of coffee he drinks, and the way he talks... ...But he really does know what he's doing.)

10, ズヴァリ!二人はどこまでの関係?
Zvarri! How deeply are the two connected?
>Wouldn't it be cute if he was thinking about asking her to marry him? ;~;
(I'm not sure that that's what they're actually asking, but, um... sore wa mada kimatteinai shi...)

11, 愛を告白するとしたら、どちらからするでしょう?
Which one do you think would confess their love first?
>Hmmm... Diego, first, I think.

12, また、そのときの言葉は?
What do they say at that time?
They're in the middle of researching or whatever, and for whatever reason Diego suddenly and quite seriously says, "I love you, Mia." She's surprised and embarrassed so she treats it as a joke at first, but then later she confesses her love too. At ohanami. (Ohanami nara, Chihiro to Kaminogi darou?)

13, 二人きりのとき、神乃木はチヒロを何て呼ぶ?
When the two are alone, what does Diego call Mia?
>Right after 3-4 he kind of lets the "Kitten" thing die down a little and calls her "Mia" so it's clear he respects her, but once they start going out he starts calling her "Kitten" again, both as an endearment and in teasing. So it basically winds up 50% "Kitten," 50% "Mia."

14, 同じく二人きりのとき、チヒロは神乃木を何て呼ぶ?
In the same way, when the two are alone, what does Mia call Diego?
>This question is much more fun in Japanese. XP Um, "Mr. Armando" for a while, then "Diego" once they get to know each other.

15, 神乃木から見て、チヒロの好きなところはどんなところ?
What does Diego like about Mia?
>(She's beautiful, intelligent, determined... she has a beautiful heart that still holds onto innocence even despite what she's been through.)

16, チヒロから見て、神乃木の好きなところはどんなところ?
What does Chihiro like about Diego?
>(He's overwhelmingly strong and supportive, and surprisingly kind when you get past all of his joking. He clearly loves life.)

17, 神乃木とチヒロ、どちらの方が立場が強い?
Of Diego and Mia, which one is in a stronger position?
>I'm not entirely sure what this question is asking, but... probably Diego. He generally seems more sure of himself.

18, 二人はラブラブ?それともケンカが絶えないほう?
Are the two madly in love? Or do they often argue?
>I'd say they bicker playfully, but definitely labulabu. x3

19, チヒロはコーヒーが飲める?むしろ好き?
Can Mia drink coffee? Does she like it?
>She seems like more of a tea person to me, though I suspect she drinks coffee to appease Diego sometimes. :P And sneaks cream and sugar in when he's not looking.

20, あなたは神乃木のどこが好きですか?
What do you like about Diego?
>He's angsty and cool-looking and has one heck of an attitude. xD

21, あなたはチヒロのどこが好きですか?
What do you like about Mia?
>Hn. Well, I like her as a mentor and she's pretty, but... all in all not my favorite character.

22, チヒロが里を出た時期は不明ですが、二人が出逢ったのはいつ頃だと思いますか?
It's unclear when Mia left her village, but when do you think the two first met?
>I think they first met when Mia got a job at Grossberg Law Offices. [I have a fanfiction thought out for this, so the next two answers will depend on that.]

23, 神乃木が見た、チヒロの第一印象はどんなものだった?
What was Diego's first impression of Mia when he saw her?
>(Whoa, she's a cute one. ...And a fighter, apparently.)

24, チヒロが見た、神乃木の第一印象はどんなものだった?
What was Mia's first impression of Diego when she saw him?
>(Is this nosy flirt actually a lawyer? -///-; )

25, 神乃木はチヒロの過去(霊媒師・DL6号事件など)を知っていた?
Does Diego know about Mia's past (about her being a spirit medium and the DL-6 case, etc.)?
>I definitely think so. I mean, he didn't seem at all incredulous about 3-5 or anything...

26, カミチヒを邪魔するライバルはいますか?それは誰?
Are there any rivals to KamiChihi? Who?
>I don't think there are~ :D Oh, but, I think that Phoenix may have had a crush on Mia at one point. (You know... just in case Godot needed ANOTHER reason to hate him, right?)

27, ゴドー×チヒロはありだと思いますか?
Do you think there's any Godot x Mia?
>...I... think so. I mean, it's clear that he's still hopelessly, breathlessly in love with her. Again, she's harder to read... And her "serious" sprites look so severe. D: But I can imagine her (channeled by Maya, probably) going to the detention center and leaning her forehead against the glass in order to be as close to him as possible as they talk... -daydreams-

28, 神乃木がチヒロにプレゼント!さて何をあげた?
Diego gives Mia a present! What is it?
>Special coffee he made just for her! With flavoring since I don't think she'd like it black. Or some jewelry.

29, チヒロが神乃木にプレゼント!さて何をあげた?
Mia gives Diego a present! What is it?
>Hmm, a coffee mug? Or she could have given him that silver ring... Diego's left hand isn't visible in any of his sprites, so it's possible. xD

30, デートするなら、どこへ行くでしょう?
Where would they go on a date?
>They seem like they'd be happy just walking around and talking, or they could stop at a cafe...

31, そのときのデートプランやスケジュールは?
>Do they have plans or schedules for those dates?
Nah, they're spontaneous.

32, 二人がケンカしました。原因は?
The two of them have a fight. What's the reason?
>Diego's teasing too much. :P

33, そのときどちらが先に謝るでしょう?
Who apologizes first?
>Diego, of course.

34, バレンタインデー!チヒロはどうする?
Valentine's Day! What does Mia do?
>Umm, that's out of the time range... Chihiro would give obligation chocolate since she works with him, but that's probably about it.

35, バレンタインデー!神乃木の様子は?
Valentine's Day? What's Diego like?
>Maybe he's a bit disappointed?

36, 浮気するとしたら、どっちが?
Which of them would be unfaithful?
>What a terrible question. D: Neither!

37, そのときの相手(カミorチヒ)の反応はどうでしょう?
At that time, how would the other (Diego or Mia) react?
>Uwa. D: ;~;
Diego: "Hey, Kitten, why would you do something like that?" (very hurt, trying to hide it and failing)
Mia: "...If that's how it is, then fine. Good-bye." (And they'd break up. T__T)

38, チヒロが手料理を作った!どんな味?神乃木の反応は?
Mia makes some home cooking! What's it like? What's Diego's reaction?
>Hm, some traditional Japanese food perhaps? And Diego doesn't normally have Japanese food, so he's a little wary at first, but he thinks it's delicious. ^^

39, とっておきの服に着替えた神乃木。どんな格好をしている?
Diego changes into some special clothes that he has set aside. What's he wearing?
>A nice black suit. It's really hard to imagine him in anything other than that... (Oh, I suppose that's not true, I have seen some very pretty pictures of him in kimono...)

40, 同じくとっておきに着替えたチヒロ。どんな格好をしている?
Similarly, Mia changes into some special clothes. What's she wearing?
>A pretty kimono!

41, お互いの「とっておき」を見た二人の反応は?
What are their reactions to the other's "special clothes"?
>Mia: "*blush* You look... incredible. (Practically the poster boy for "suave.")"
Diego: "You too, Kitten. Like a Japanese princess."

42, 神乃木とチヒロ、あなたがなるとしたらどっちになりたい?
If you were to become Diego or Mia, which would you want to become?
>Eh? Um... Mia? (Though, in terms of the Phoenix Wright cast, I think I'd prefer to turn into someone who doesn't get thunk'd or poisoned...)

43, もしなれたとしたら、何をしますか?
And if you did, what would you do?
>Er... go to Diego and try to head off 3-5 before it starts. o.o

44, 神乃木さん、チヒロに対して「こうして欲しいぜ」という要望があればどうぞ。
What sort of "I want you to do this" requests might Diego have for Mia?
>"Try not to get so flustered all the time. It's pretty cute, but it's not professional."

45, チヒロさん、神乃木センパイに対して「こうしてください」という要望があればどうぞ。
What sort of "Please do this," requests might Mia have for Diego?
>"Please try to act a little more responsible." "Please stop drinking so much coffee... have a little concern for your health!"

46, これだけは譲れない!カミチヒに対するこだわりや設定があればどうぞ。
This is the only thing I can't give up! Share anything you're picky about or obsessed with about the couple.
>I prefer serious couple pictures to overly cute ones... They're both quite mature, after all. And the angstier the better.

47, もしもこんなだったら……と思うことはありますか?
Do you have any "What if"s?
>Mochiron desu yo? (Translation: Well, obviously?) If Diego hadn't been poisoned, if Mia had still been alive when he woke up... Though, I rarely actually wander down that mental path because... it's not canon. (orz) There's... another thing... that's really weird.... But, if like, a branch-Fey was tired of being herself and offered to channel Mia perpetually...... but then things could get dramatic if she's actually an evil person and channels Dahlia instead and it's all dangerous and stuff OTL;;;;;;; I have weird ideas in my brain. Eep, so dramatic though!

48, カミチヒのテーマソングがあれば教えてください。
Do you have a "KamiChihi Theme Song"? Do tell.
>Hmm, The Hush Sound's "Don't Wake Me Up" is always good for that sort of thing, and Alice Nine.'s "FANTASY." I actually really like "FANTASY" for them. "Iro wo nakushi..."

49, カミチヒのココが好き!というところを教えてください。
What do you like about KamiChihi?
Canon&Impossible&Cute! Perfect for me. Also, I've found that I prefer mature romances to teenybopper cute ones. (Or overly cute ones that aren't necessarily teenybopper, but the participants are immature. Present: RonDessie. THEY'RE BOTH GOOFS. -_-)

50, お疲れ様でした!最後に世界の中心でカミチヒを叫んでください!
...I'm not actually sure what the question part of this question is...

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