

I feel groggy. Though more awake than I did a moment ago.
APPARENTLY, one of the antinausea things is supposed to make me drowsy.
WELL THEN TELL ME THAT BEFORE YOU PUT THE THING ON. I wouldn't have accepted it if I'd known. It's off now, so all is good. Things that happened no longer feel like dreams. (This was a considerable problem for a while.) I like how I typed it as if I were shouting. Ha. Yeah, not for a while yet.
I'm eating a smoothie now. It's tasty. I'm more conscious.
Ooohh, but I hate when I'm coming out of anesthesia and they're like, "Okay, R, it's time to wake up now."
I generally have to be told multiple times. This time I can blame that stuuuupid anti-nausea patch, but it's fairly normal for me.

Please forgive any typos. Typing one-handed on anesthesia does not make for coherence.

I hate how greasy my face feels after a surgery. Grr. Well at this point I think it's fairly apparent that I'm saying whatever comes to mind. Speaking of things coming to mind, replaying Reunion, and Turnabout shortly before sugery--a facial surgery--was probably not the most intelligent thing I've ever done. It's not like I was thinking ,"OMG they'll mess up the meds," but... well, not seriously at least... I also spent a bit of my time contemplating the color of the IV. I wouldn't say it was yellow... It was in a clear bag, too. (Honestly, do they really put IVs in colored bags? That seems... impractical.)

Ohhh but I hate breathing tubes. It was out of me before I woke up, but my throat still feels bad. Wish those weren't necessary. (Are they...?)

But I really am fairly cognizant. It was a minor surgery after all. I mean, I'm sitting up and everything. Part of me would prefer to be lying down, unsurprisingly, but then I couldn't eat my smoothie...
I'm gonna go eat dinner now. May come back to ramble more later. Goodbye~ good-bye.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

First off, I wish you a speedy recovery. Well, you already sound pretty healed up. As opposed to my jaw surgery, where my face was probably 3 times its original size when I came home. I looked like a frog. An ornery frog.

And yes, the breathing tube is required for (assumedly) all facial surgeries. I had to have one, and I remember drinking quite a bit to flush out my throat. I also remember watching SpongeBob and having to go to the bathroom. A lot. Beyond that, though, its a blur...(I was out for, idk, 5 hours? 6 hours? So I was pretty much out of it for two days. :’( ).

Hopefully you’ll be coherent enough for WALL-E...

And, to end on a serious note, I don’t think you’ll regret the surgery, at least in the long run. Maybe in the short term (believe me, having to eat through a straw for 8 weeks after my surgery, I did regret going through with the [non-critical] jaw realignment surgery), and the awkward moments will come (like when I was able to smile, without having to think about it), but at the end of it all, you’ll still be the same person, making the same Portal/Cake puns. And you can't call an objection for that (wait... referencing two video games in one breath? That defies the very logic of the universe. Take that, Layton! ... OMG! THREE GAMES!!!).

I hope that doesn’t sound as weird as I think it does (at 12:45 am, you kinda question your words a bit). But I do hope that you get well (incredibly) soon. Talk to you later.

Oh, and I hope you enjoyed the smoothie/tablet. :)