
It's that time again.

Today I'm doing something interesting. I'm going to try to watch this new episode, comment on the episode, and design a Priestess of Din for BRS, all at the same time.

Let's begin.
Ooh, this is going to have the meetscene.
...Forget? She didn't forget, or at least she didn't say so in such a straightforward manner.
Shin-e-gah-me? CAN WE AT LEAST STANDARDIZE THE SLAUGHTER? (That "gah" is like "Gah! Rem's voice makes me cry!")
Eh? Never read that sentence. >_> Dattara namae ga, mieru no?
"If" by notebooks he's referring to our Death Notes... Pssh, no, I think she's talking about the supah-cute notebook her friend gave her. :talk2hand:
Oh dear lord. That was L's voice. T__T
(I found a pose to use, copied it. SHE LOOKS LIKE HER LEGS WERE PUT ON BACKWARDS.)
Sigh. So much sexism and assumption. :(
:/ I wonder if the dates are messed up.
"Y'know"? Okay, it's better that it's Matsuda; I thought it was Light and I was just like no. :C
Dang, I forgot he's reason-zaki. >___>
Oh my. I don't think... this is horrible to say but if she continues to be like that I think I shall be totally unsympathetic when eight rolls around. >____> (If she continues to be like that, though, we'll have other problems. :| )
oO? Then when you talked to Shidou...? (O Shidou of the inconsistent name. For that only I forgive Viz. FOR HALLE I DO NOT.) (No way, maybe that's why you said "only"?)
Against the rules but there are no laws against it. You make so much sense, Ryuk.
Like Sakeko's art thread~
Gooooood, Takada's not among them. (If she was, you'd have been treated to a spazfest. As it is I think she's in next week's... fudgeduck. FDFD, I may be spazzing about more than that... FD)
lololol @ synchronized minibows.
Alert! Right?
FWAH. Is Matsu on screen?? He's not. :C I'm never going to find out how to interpret those things. THEY'RE NOT HOURS THOUGH. >:C
Ooooh, that was Alert all right.
"Huh." Was that a question or a random grunt, O voice actress of Rem?
That was just a horrible voice right there.
WOW. I definitely just heard "gave an address" as "came in a dress."
You know, if Takada's voice is more suitable than Misa's I'm going to be ticked off; however, it would be REALLY hard for it to be less suitable.
No, Light, in Shibuya. On the 24th.
Nor that Kira's on the taskforce...
Only YOU can prevent forest fires more murders.
It's the amazing color-changing eyes! Sometimes they're red, sometimes they're brown, in the dark they're blue, WHOO-HOO! Otherwise, they made her be wearing brown contacts for schoolgirl!Misa... Which is a lie. I have plenty of evidence that her eyes are brown, 4's cover (where they ARE blue) aside.
Unnecessary cleavage shot! >___> (If you can call it that on Misa...) (Seriously, though, it's in the freaking middle of the screen. That is so unnecessary.)
*laughs at cheesy touch effect*
So we get an unnecessary cleavage shot, but no "Is that oniichan's girfriend? I can see her panties! D:"? Lame!
Okay, these blue eyes are seriously irritating me, though. I mean, unless she put in contacts to look pretty for him... They'd better be brown later, or I'M TELLING! (Dare ni?)
Ageha series! .-. No I think not.
Why is Misa more prone to flap issues than anyone else?
I desire to know how she got those gloves to stay up there. >_> Is it stretchy lace?
"Why are you so suspicious of me? Is it because I inhaled some helium before coming here, is that it?"
Sigh. And I'm supposed to be enjoying this...
Hey hey hey. What about " I never even thought of using it that way"?
I AM GOING TO HARM SOMEONE. THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE A CROSS, NOT A FREAKING FLEUR-DE-LIS OR WHATEVER THAT IS. (With no earrings visible. I've wondered this before, but I think Obata-sama doesn't like drawing ears.)
"Okay, so we're good now. Now shoo!"
You cannot possibly be serious. You're just going to IGNORE the fact that she killed minor criminals and innocents?
Um. That 3xgasp was totally unnecessary.
I so hate that smirk.

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