
I now have a kitty named Greta.

Unfortunately, she's stuffed. :( Oh well. M'parents won't let me have a real cat 'til I have my own place. She's from TY. She looks like this.

She's named, in case you don't know the reference, after Greta Salpeter of The Hush Sound, because they are awesome. Sigh. They should come out with a new CD so I can buy it. :3 (+Information from facebook: New CD this year! Yay!)

Today we went to the Mall of America. I got a writing book there, as well as Greta. At the Hot Topic there, which was roughly the size of the local one (...lame), they had a Dir En Grey CD for only $14, but... I've never really listened to much DEG, so... I didn't buy it.

Anyway, that is all I have to say for today, I suppose... back to school tomorrow, YUCK!
I did do some babbling about the Jindal story today... It needs a title. XP In the picture I did of Jindal for linoleum carving in art class, I wrote "GHOST KING Jindal", mostly to balance it out... But I don't like that as a title. First of all, he can't be a king... the peacock automatons (the guards) won't let them have a leader. So... yeah. And in any case, he's not leading anything once he's dead.

I'm in such a cat mood right now. Kyah.

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